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O-Term and J-Term

O-term and J-term are terms held in October and June of each school year. All AFSA students participate in a variety of activities. The purpose of term activities is to foster the development of student friendships and a positive school climate, provide experiential learning activities, and to offer students the chance to do something they have never done before.  

Students get to select their O-term and J-term activity from a list of 10-15 choices planned by AFSA staff members. Some options are in town only while others involve out-of-town travel and overnight stays. Some selections have additional costs for transportation, materials or supplies and some have no additional fees. 

Staff members team up and plan their terms together. Topics range each year but have included Star Wars, Harry Potter, Fall Fun, Survival, and more.  One O-term that is always available is to attend the National FFA Convention.  

Scholarships are available for all AFSA students each year for both O-term and J-term.  Students apply for scholarships by writing an essay.
