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Excessive Absences:

A student between the ages of 12 and 16 is considered truant if they are absent without legal excuse for three (3) or more class periods on three (3) days. Children ages 16 and 17 are considered truant if they have not lawfully withdrawn from school with their parents’/guardians' permission. When a student is classified as truant, the school will take the following actions:

  • After three (3) unexcused absences, parents/guardians will receive a letter alerting them their child is truant.
  • After five (5) unexcused absences, students are referred to the County Attorney’s Office for intervention.
  • After 5-7 unexcused absences, an In-School Attendance Contract will be created between the administrator, parents/guardians, and the student.
  • After ten (10) unexcused absences, a School Attendance Review Team (SART) hearing will occur and a legal School Attendance Contract will be created.
  • Student’s whose attendance does not improve will be petitioned to court.

Excessive Tardies:

Students are considered truant when they are tardy to school five (5) times in a 12 week period. If a student is classified as excessively tardy, the school will take the following actions:

  • After three (3) unexcused tardies, parents/guardians will receive a letter alerting them their child is excessively tardy.
  • After five (5) unexcused tardies, an In-School Attendance Contract will be created between an administrator, parents/guardians, and the student.
  • If attendance does not improve, students’ school privileges will be revoked, including, but not limited to: not being allowed to attend Prom; sports/activities/competitions; field trips; school dances; reward celebrations; and other school perks.
  • Students may be referred to their County Attorney’s Office for truancy intervention if attendance does not improve.