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Science Department

Science education is the field concerned with sharing science content and process with individuals not traditionally considered part of the scientific community. The learners may be children, college students, or adults within the general public; the field of science education includes work in science content, science process (the scientific method), some social science, and some teaching pedagogy. The standards for science education provide expectations for the development of understanding for students through the entire course of their K-12 education and beyond. The traditional subjects included in the standards are physical, life, earth, space, and human sciences.

Melissa Farler

Melissa Farler

High School Biology & Environmental Science Teacher

Email Melissa Farler

I am part of the AFSA High School's awesome science department. The part I love most about teaching science is the hands-on and engaging work that goes on here at AFSA. I look forward to a new year of helping students build the skills they need to be successful in high school and beyond. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my 4 dogs, bird watching, and just spending time in nature. I hope to share that love of spending time in nature with my students and get them to enjoy the outdoors. 

Bethany Mestelle

Bethany Mestelle

High School Science Teacher

Email Bethany Mestelle

Growing up in the Northwoods, I fell in love with exploring the world around me. This love of nature and learning led me to my career teaching science. I am excited to be teaching Chemistry, Environmental Science, Field Ecology, and Geology this year. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, spending time outdoors, biking, and learning to play new instruments. I am looking forward to sharing the joy of scientific exploration throughout the school year! 

Mitchell Richter

Mitchell Richter

High School Science Teacher

Email Mitchell Richter

I have always had a strong sense of curiosity, which I explored at a young age through music.  I would often find myself tinkering with sounds until I could paint the perfect pattern, an image created by sound.  My natural curiosity led me to loving and exploring every facet of science, driven with passion to make sense of the patterns.  I graduated from BetheI University with a degree in middle level science and music. Since, my thirst for understanding has erupted into a passion for helping others discover these patterns for themselves.  Here at AFSA, I teach physical and life science as a medium for fostering passion for understanding the world.